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Basic Digital Safety

Being an parent is one of the most challenging and demanding jobs within our society.  We look out for our child’s physical, emotional, and intellectual needs.  We teach them about the dangers of strangers and drugs as well as the importance of a good education.  But, in the end, it’s the unknown risks that pose the greatest dangers to our kids, especially when those risks are embedded within something that appeals to them, Technology.  It’s hard for even the most safety conscience parent to keep up with the fast paced evolution of technology.  There are dangers children face every time they use their I-Phone, join Facebook, use Twitter, or surf the net.  As these technologies evolve and improve, the consumer becomes more at risk.  Here are a few helpful tips to help you keep your students safe from the dangers that lurk on the Internet.


  • Keep the family computer in a public area, so you can monitor your child’s activity.
  • Monitor your child’s Internet activity, including checking the history of on-line activity.
  • Establish rules for your child to follow while they are on the Internet.
  • Consider an Internet curfew for your child.  They have a curfew in the real world, so they should have a curfew on-line too.
  • Encourage your child to share their on-line experiences with you, the good as well as the bad.
  • Let your child know that the use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right.
  • Remind your child that anybody they haven’t met is a stranger.  Make sure they know that you should never arrange a face to face meeting with anybody they’ve initially met on-line.